
Lol, from a cat website. It’s not the first study to find that cats were among the biggest killers. I just picked a recent one.

Yeah, I heard that segment. Blinking red, specifically. It’s the windows of building that really fuck up the birds.

Haha. Maybe keep the buggers indoors and let the birdies do their thing.

A common talking point among deniers is that they accept that natural climate change exists but debate the existence or measured impact of anthropogenic climate change. They point to the history of the planet as the answer: the Earth will right itself after a while, as it has after a stint of natural climate change.

It still has to go to the Senate Floor, but yeah we’re fucked.

Just downloaded Curb.

The Kushners are corrupt. At least Jared’s father is. Jared is a senior adviser to Trump, so he is complicit.

The one good thing that came form the Death March out of Turkey is that it educated even the most vapid Armenian (I say this as an Armenian).

Similar story, WWI.

That is heartbreaking.


After all of this time, Verizon’s website organization still makes me have mini rage strokes.

I generally agree, although I read/heard some complaints from farmers who live near the border about how this will negatively impact their livestock ranching. I’m not cool with my tax dollars going towards this, either.

lol @ “a bit”

Emissions tend to degrade people’s quality of life. Especially in developing nations, where air pollution is even more of a problem.

I fucking love this show

I heard a similar comment quoted from a WOC regarding the march in Boston. I wondered if some of the people she noted as “missing” were working that day and could not attend, or if it was more complicated than that.

What is the best non-Teflon cooker? I won’t use PFOA or PTFE cookware. I saw one ceramic cooker, but it only had a setting for white rice.

I thought her plain look was on purpose as well.