
That is true that Scientology raises the bar on corruption. My point remains though that money is often involved with religion.

Ooh I forgot about the Evangelicals. Tithing is a big deal though. Not required, but shamed into people.

Historically, if you wanted to receive certain sacraments or remain in good standing with the Church, you had to pay.

Ew. I hate Scientology.

You just answered it. Tithing. Also, indulgences are a big part of Catholic history.

And Christianity never charges their members?

Just as absurd as a virgin birth, walking on water, multiplying fish and loaves of bread, transubstantiation, and rising from the dead in my opinion. Religions are absurd.

I’m tall and the headrest fucks up my head & neck too. I always bring a small lumbar support or something to try to resolve those problems. It does suck though.

My personal hypothesis is that he is an egomaniac who considers himself the smartest person in the room at all times and desperately needs to be contrarian at every second if he cannot yell “first” with conviction. His journalists’ articles about toxic pollutant scandals are well done but his twitter feed is

point taken

Maybe I remember this incorrectly, but part of the delay in immediately providing aid was due to the inability for international forces to corroborate the reports that first came out years ago about the gassings (sic?) and other atrocities. I agree that providing assistance years ago might have yielded a better

I don’t disagree with you and I apologize for swearing at you. But we are fucked _right_now_. There is a very good chance that arming the rebels right now would result in the wrong players getting their grubby paws on them and instituting an equally bad or even worse state.

I’m dying for the kids’ sakes.

Fuck off. I don’t think there is anything fortunate about it. It’s a damned if we do, damned if we don’t situation.

Well, I hope that you are right, but forced regime change abetted by the US has not historically worked out in the best interests of the people living there. Citation: South & Central America, Iraq, etc.

How sad.

My brother is a children’s book hoarder. That bookcase is going to explode. He’s beyond help.

I’m over the whole Josh thing. She needs to obsess over someone new.* I miss Greg. But I like the focus on girl friends.

ooh I’m going to try this.