You’re right. Thanks for reminding me.
You’re right. Thanks for reminding me.
He started off in the Boston area doing more journalistic-ish type stuff. He chose this Hollywood career.
I am very critical of Clinton but you cannot in all seriousness claim that Johnson is more intelligent or qualified than she is.
I have a similar story.
I am aware of what this translates to electorally. I was only talking about the actual leanings of the populace.
Thanks for this advice
Because she would never survive the litigation slaughter.
ALL of the releases? What about the ones that confirm that she is ready to give sweetheart deals to the big banks? Source: The Intercept
This show is about depression/mental health issues, delusion, etc. The main characters are supposed to be “terrible.” The title is “Crazy Ex Girlfriend.”
I agree with this as an environmentalist but also someone who is/has been very critical of Clinton yet still is voting for her.
This article and especially the comments are recommended reading
YEP.’s predictions for the popular vote reflect a nation almost split down the middle.
Yeah; 70s clothing is en vogue right now, especially the pussybow blouse.
It’s basically Sinclair Lewis’s It Can’t Happen Here.
Trump has been this asshole for a long long time. Maybe he is suffering from dementia now, but this behavior is not new.
Yes. For instance, I am a DES daughter, so my experience was bound to differ from others.
I didn’t LOVE my Mirena, but it was an improvement from oral contraceptives. Of course, I had PMS 24-7 and constant spotting, so.... Everyone reacts differently, sadly.
Ross from Friends quote
I only realized that a form of low hormonal oral BC had made me depressed once I stopped taking it. A tremendous weight had been lifted. It was amazing. I switched to the Mirena and the depression did not return.
Hmm. What about the walls? Were they properly sealed? I have lived in a few places in which the wrong sealant/paint was used and the walls would absorb and retain moisture in the bathroom.