
My advice would be to only plant native flowers because, you know, it’s better for the environment and prevents invasive species from adversely impacting local habitats.

I can get behind this critique of contemporary pop: ”you are listening to 90% computerised voices,” but not the rest of it. Pop vocals didn’t always sound so canned and homogenized.

Unfortunately, anyone with a chronic health issue that may require additional tests and/or out of network specialist is screwed. Women tend to have more health care needs than men, so we get screwed the most.

Actually, some of us “hot babes” are looking for how a man works the hand he is dealt in the looks, personality, and mettle departments.

Yep. Be genuinely nice, but have a strong sense of self and convictions.

Wishing you health and peace. My classmate died in her 40s after vomiting her liquid meal one too many times.

I always thought that Simmons was in on the cruelty act. He certainly came back to Letterman’s show enough times.

I told my brother that I suspected that my mother did this. He laughed, but I was serious.

I’m American and fuck if I know.

The pale orange color of puke is the worst. for some reason, it is a popular building color in new construction right now.

This is an insult to pheasants.

I have no idea why it would be mandatory for the females only to wear swim caps in a river. It’s hard to imagine that the loosened hair would impact a dam downstream, but sure why not.

I hated it, but then I hate those kinds of movies.

Aww, I ‘m sorry.

Sometimes you can work with the providing hospitals to reduce your original health care fees/debt. Negotiate.

Japanese acupuncture. The Kiiko-Matsumoto method.

We were told that it was about preserving the pool. All of that hair clogs the drains.

Even back then, those metric values didn’t have names, so I do mean since the beginning.

I take issue with their metrics. They don’t truly measure or value environmental or social costs and benefits, for instance. I work in govt, and I sometimes agree with their criticism about waste, but their application of this criticism is so uneven (ie, not applicable to the military).

Actually, I think Lily looks like a young Johnny.