There are gluten free oats now. Millet is good too.
There are gluten free oats now. Millet is good too.
For good Colin Farrell, see also: Ondine and the soon to be released (stateside) The Lobster. Hell, I even liked him in Horrible Bosses.
I don’t believe it was very popular, but there were some very funny episodes.
I _cannot_ wait until I retire. There are so many things that I want to do, and I don’t need a lot of attention from friends and family to be happy.
Your parents might benefit from volunteer work and fun classes. The local senior center also may have regular activities like day excursions or game nights (other than bingo).
adultosaur is the antithesis of this poster.
My tastes have really changed over the years. Currently, I’m all about long form if the piece is informative, but dear god please make everything else short and sweet.
I used to babysit for this very prominent, old money Boston family. The kid was about 3, and they lived in a cramped, expensive old apartment that had no bathtub or real bedroom for the child. Said child was not allowed to walk on the floor. Ever. You had to carry the child. Child also was not allowed to sleep without…
Back off; Tork is/was mine.
Equally baffling: needing to document one’s assholery in print.
What about a smoke/CO detector? Especially in the age of airbnb, when you don’t know how safe the home is.
I’m a huge Henry Moore fan. That said, this sculpture needs some complementary landscaping/landscape architecture. That sad patch of grass sucks.
Although this shouldn’t be your responsibility to resolve, would you consider moving or changing jobs so that there is only one town to deal with? I personally couldn’t handle ten years of that.
I am sure the need for sunscreen while swimming throws a wrench into this.
I would like to see the US switch to a purely popular vote for all elections, as in a total vote count for the country, not a state-by-state grab.
Some apartment and condo properties are only allowed to be owner occupied.
I enjoyed him in Lars and the Real Girl.
As a former nanny and freelance babysitter, I can verify that employing the stoneface/indifference method works to stop most bad behavior. Most acting out is a cry for attention on some level. Deprave them of that attention, and they start to adjust their behavior. If the kid gets violent, then you use a combo of…