
It’s far more egregious than “slightly gross”

A lot of Clover’s writing is immature and graceless.

See, I think she was defending herself as a human being. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Too often women are expected to shut up and take it while looking pretty. Kanye has been publicly harassing her for years.

Yes, it definitely should.

That is exactly what I was thinking.


I agree that for countertops, granite is not a good look.

“However, when someone expects you to look the way that they want or if they are unforgiving when it comes to looks then it becomes a problem.”

Then you dodged a bullet.

There is a big difference between seeing if a potential mate shares your interest/values in fitness and healthy living and controlling their appearance (ie, weight). So, not necessarily a red flag to ask about how a person takes care of themselves.

Welcome, also Dark Places wasn’t too bad (Charlize Theron)

I watched Under the Skin earlier today. If you like really well done sci fi thrillers and Scottish accents.

I just snapped out of it and stopped watching the Repub debate.

As soon as I saw TV ads for the new Coen Bros. movie, I had thought, damn, another all-white CB movie. So glad that you wrote this post.

I always require a special meal, so I try not to switch seats because it confuses the airline staff. Random woman with 5 yo girl was sitting in my seat. I show her my ticket. She insists it’s her seat. Airline staff get involved and she moves to the seats next to me. She puts her daughter next to me. Daughter kicks my

I’ve never had endometriosis, but I do have chronic vaginal pain and a tilted uterus (an never was pregnant). I had lingering pain on one side after the insertion for a few months, and would get PMS all of the time with no period, or light spotting. But it still was better than being on the pill.

I love Liev and Naomi as a couple, so I hope that they are still on. But who knows how things are behind closed doors.

i’m stealing that

Usually there are local workshops that are either free or low-cost. Do little googling. maybe your library hosts one of them.

Will do!