Ok, well THAT I can see.
Ok, well THAT I can see.
I second the Roth IRA.
I have more than a few friends in their 30s and 40s who blow all of their cash - however meager a pot they have - on cosmetology, clothes, booze, and tropical vacations. None have any savings.
This is excellent advice, that I try to live by.
So, don’t even try, right? Just keep on trucking with a broken system. Change is rarely convenient or painless, but in this case it is very necessary.
Yeah, it’s not like any other country has been able to adopt social democratic politics.
YES, taxes are raised, BUT people won’t have other costs to bear. How is the premium argument bullshit if it’s one of his centerpiece campaign issues? It’s called social democracy.
It doesn’t really raise “taxes” if it eliminates the premiums people already pay through their employers, and overall lowers costs. It just shifts the form of payment.
Dogs are awesome.
I do too. That show deserved better ratings.
Yeah, all of the guys who contacted me were either 24 or 55+. I’ve taken a break from it all and just trying to enjoy life as is.
These guys, who now want to have babies, are largely what I have encountered online. I’m almost 46, so I’m not considered a viable option.
And then worry about looking like a douche. ;>
It’s hard for me to imagine anyone but Colleen Dewhurst playing Marilla.
Hmm. I’m GenX and find the song really boring. The video is OK.
In my 46th calendar year of life, I don’t really have the luxury of bumping into decent, age-appropriate options in real life. Then again, I’m not bumping into them online either.
I have a similar plan.
H&M and Gap from 15 years ago were of much higher quality. No women’s clothes are of high quality. Most fabric has a lower thread count these days.
I was listening to an incredibly poignant Neil Young song while watching the video, which made the whole experience surreal.