
I remember reading somewhere that the benefits of the omegas in flax seeds are destroyed once cooked.

And Charmed. They turned her into a dog, I think, during her last episodes. Ouch.

I totally agree.

It looks like a Tim Burton drawing.


My childhood next door neighbor friend used to come over to my house often and eat our food, and I would reciprocate. Once, when she was over our house, she found a jar of cookies. She unscrew the lid and started eating them. A piece of the cookie started waving to her. It was a maggot. We had been fighting a maggot

My old roommate had really long hair. She used to wash it at night, then coil it around the top of her head before she went to sleep.


But how many farmers does that represent?

“What about now?....And now?...................And what about now?”

I thought the “HC” stood for “Holy Crap, look at doz thighz!”

* does not apply to stalkers

You mean vulva, not vagina.

Log Lady was one of my Halloween ideas this year. Now, it’s at the top of the list.

It’s Chronic Headbanditis. The elastic is squeezing her brains out.

Oh. My. God.

What I was thinking. Instant ladybonerkiller.

I don’t doubt that there was something wrong in that family (whether it was the mother or daughter or both who were fucked up), but I DO doubt it warranted this kind of evil scheming:

I think he just paid the minimum balances, which is enough to keep going, right?

There’s always another credit card offer in the mail.