
Whoa. I could have sworn I had read earlier that Darcy dies and Bridget raises the kid on her own. I’m glad it’s not true. Anyway, I don’t care how much they milk this thing for lame sequels, I am unashamedly in.

That’s what I’ve heard. Although it may be the only fish around, in the future.

Mercury bioaccumulates over time in fish, and in fish that eat other fish. You reduce your exposure to mercury by eating younger fish and smaller that do not have the same buildup as bigger/older fish having a larger body mass.

The weight category somewhat corresponds to the one in your own link.

I bought my now ex boyfriend a cookbook on how to cook any kind of fish. The page on Tilapia said something like, “Tilapia. Ew.” Now, I don’t know if that’s true, as I rarely eat fish. If it’s a sustainable fish to farm and doesn’t require a lot of meal like shrimp does, then seems like a good suggestion.

Right, I forgot about “younger.” Less time for the toxins to bioaccumulate.

Haw haw

Another option is to opt for smaller tuna fish caught sustainably by pole or troll.


Feel the Bern, people.

Sometimes I’m relieved when I hate the latest fashion trends, because it means I won’t squander my money on as many worldly things. But then, sometimes you need a new dress or pants and a sales clerk finds you in the changing room, sobbing and in the fetal position, desperate for a half-decent wardrobe piece.

If I were to post this on my FB wall, I’d get clobbered by the locals, as I live in Patriots Nation. Oh, but how I want to.

Or brushed his teeth. Ever.

It’s a battle of wills, to their natural ends, sadly.

If her post-Pretenders music is any indication, I’d say the latter. She’s gone the way of Madonna in surrounding herself with yes-people.

Every time I try to set boundaries with my insane mother, I can hear Morrisey singing, “The more you ignore me/the closer I get/You’re wasting your time.” She really really really never takes a hint and cannot handle polite confrontation.

Sorry, I need mirrors to make sure that boogers are not hanging out of my nose.

Maybe it’s just when you respond to me. : )

You can address that when you first talk to them: “ Hey, feel free to use this power strip. I expect to be here for a couple of hours, if that works for you.”

I wonder how many people’s claustrophobia was triggered while getting an MRI? I had no idea I was going to freak out until I had my first one.