I say write if they don’t correct the situation after you call. Or, she could try e-mail. E-mailing and calling generally get faster responses than sending letters and documents.
I say write if they don’t correct the situation after you call. Or, she could try e-mail. E-mailing and calling generally get faster responses than sending letters and documents.
Sadly, this is the way it is in all states. I hope that more conservative media outlets are running a synopsis of the Times story, to reach the masses.
Most people are not conscientious enough to make hand washing more resource efficient than using a machine, and that machine washing saves resources for that group. The subjects were requested to wash as they normally would at home.
And, to your point on energy use when running the dishwasher, it was indeed factored in. Even way back in 2004, by the researchers at the University of Bonn.
The manufacturer guidelines for washing machines is to run them at off peak hours, which in most cases = night. Every person I’ve ever know who used a dishwasher ran it at night to prevent interference with other hot water needs.
Do we have the same mother?
I get so much shit from my mother’s family, my brother, and now my divorced dad’s cousin who used to know my mother. But I maintain strict boundaries regardless.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that show. Is it a series? I ask bc I don’t think I’ve seen the show with either of them.
It takes longer to wash the same amount of dishes by hand. That requires more energy to keep the lights on while washing, whereas most household dishwashers are run at night, with the lights off. It will take more energy to replace the hot water used for hand washing dishes than it would for replacing the hot water…
Sorry, I meant LCA experts with engineering degrees. Happy now?
Well, several LCA experts would disagree.
I agree. I was in my early 20s when they became popular. She didn’t need anyone’s help in tarnishing her image, even if her music was great. I also don’t blame her for Kurt’s death, but I don’t ever remember her being sympathetic in any other way than as a young widow.
But after x number of uses, there would be an environmental break-even point, and after that, the dishwasher would be found to be less environmentally detrimental overall. This includes factoring the extra detergent used during hand washing. All of that detergent-infused dirty water still has to be processed at the…
In my neck of the woods, the provider just flat out says they will not match a competitor’s (Comcast’s) offer (because they know how much the competition sucks) and they will not give a price reduction for customer loyalty ... after thanking me for being such a longtime customer..
I wanted to know if this was how he dealt with everything or just romantic rejection. If you delve into a depression for years after being rejected by someone, to the point where you never want to date, you need help. Why not point that out instead of enabling the status quo?
What’s sad is that I didn’t need that article to tell me that Quirky (or Kaufman) was making bad decisions left and right. Just joining Quirky a while ago and then realizing how lame their inventory was convinced me a plenty.
What’s sad is that I didn’t need that article to tell me that Quirky (or Kaufman) was making bad decisions left and…
I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that conflict between the two articles!
I’m curious about what happens to you when other things in life don’t go your way.
I will say that I have seen a few doctors who used the wrong codes, so I have experienced errors form both the provider and the insurance.