
This study was totally unnecessary. All of the Housewives shows already proved this.

She can’t sing. She sounded awful.

I am shocked that no one on Jez has written about the courtroom sketch yet.

I’m in my early 40s and totally hear you. I’m sure people think I’ve switched sides or decided to be celibate, but the truth is that the ocean has evaporated.

I don’t get the McKinnon worship. She basically does variations on the same character. And she cannot do foreign accents very well. Last night she used a pseudo-Italia accent while depicting a Spanish woman.

I remember when this sexual (and emotional) abuse case first happened, and I remember the photos of a very stressed out, confused boy plastered on the tabloids and TV. I saw a snippet or two of the interview. I see that nothing has changed.

I have a very similar story about a high school cotillion.

I kind of think Megan Fox Mulan would be awesome in a hilarious sort of way.

Sorry if I missed this, but why does it come back to haunt you in the winter?

hormones. happens during adoloescence too

This reminds me of the summer I first moved to Boston. Late 80s. Moved into the Symphony Hall/Gateway to the Fens area. Was reading The Boston Strangler. Promptly realized that I lived in the victims' neighborhood, and that I was alone for the summer as my roommates were away.

I like Lost Highway as well. Also, Mulholland Drive is very popular.

I have the same life goal!

It could be that she's disappointed in herself for (perceived) failure at a relationship, there may be self esteem issues, it takes time to heal/snap back, etc. Take yer pick.

Et tu, Vitacost?

Ah, I see

My point is if someone is griping, show them the words on paper. That is what I do when employees complain about unfair treatment. I document assignments and publish for all to see, and it shuts them up good.

The solution would be to specify in each employee’s position description the frequency of lifting activity and maximum weight.

Does rabbi not know that men do not wash their hands after using the loo?

Butbutbut Pay Attention To MEEEEEEEEEE.