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    It’s hard to tell if the author of this article deliberately wrote it to be sensationalist and misleading, or just simply doesn’t understand the issue. There is absolutely no talk of grounding the 737 MAX. Not certifying a variant of a plane is not a grounding!

    You can buy a iPod Shuffle, with a headphone jack, that is waterproof:

    I take it that Apple paid for this glowing review.

    It seems to me that the best option is simply not to downgrade to this iPhone. Who wants to be buying all sorts of dongles here there and everywhere to solve a problem that didn’t exist before.

    Apple’s marketshare is falling — especially worldwide.

    Some of us have more active lives. We don't need more things to keep track of.

    Tim knows you will lose it so regularly that the will soon be offering a $9 a month replacement service. This isn't progress

    How is the hassle of dongles an improvement?

    The problem originated at a supplier. Don't gloat, the same problem could happen to Apple.

    Apple paid a pretty penny for Beats. All they’re doing is trying to drive a round of headphone upgrades to pay off the investment. I’m not falling for it. Painful as it will be, I’m switching out of the Apple ecosphere.