Wow. seems even more crazy than it was when I last looked at it more than 5 years ago.
Wow. seems even more crazy than it was when I last looked at it more than 5 years ago.
To be fair, Michigan State's so friggin' huge that pretty much anything can come out of there. And I say that as an alumni….
Argh, grammar.
Yep, this comment was inevitable. But still good.
Olivia Wilde's in this too?
Did they clone her or something? I can find no other way to explain why her cinema omnipresence.
Key West?
There was a Real World: Key West?
IMDB doesn't list any Patrick Stewart for this flick… and a google search for " stewart" gives a fat goose-egg of results.
If you hear something that you think sucks, how excited will you be to seek out more things from that same artist?
I'm just saying that Almost Killed Me fully bored me.
Yes, these songs need to be interpreted with monotonous talk-singing over otherwise decent guitars.
What exactly does Limp Bizkit have to do with Juggalos?
Blah - I wish they'd add NO ONE
The Office has a great cast of characters. They don't need to add a new high-profile celebrity that's going to take attention away from all the already well-written characters we already like. I thought possibly the best episode last season was the one when neither Carell nor Ferrell…
Is he specifically an AV Club reader?
Rock Your Body
That was the least offensive Black Eyed Peas song I've ever heard.
She looks like she's wearing a grimace in that photo.
My introduction to them was as an opening band when they were touring for the .com album.
UK band Pitchshifter also does a fantastic cover of this track. (It was my first encounter with this song, and it wasn't till later that my uneducated ass learned that it was a cover.)
"The signs say not to drink the sprinkler water, so I used it to make sun tea and I got sick."
A doubles-shot at Parks & Rec is at the 10pm slot? And the night starts with repeats?
I came here to comment on the very same thing.