The Extreme Moderate

Hey, Hey, Hey, settle down! You can’t just go out and buy five AMCs at once. You’ve got to.....

And then there’s the guys with AMC AMX’s who hate anyone with any other AMC. Seriously. Show up with a Pacer at one of their gatherings and they’ll get pissed at you you away. I know this from experience. They have this weird inferiority complex that somehow us Pacer and Gremlin folks could care less about.

Hardcore Harley people boggle my mind. They’ve taken motorcycles, which are (to me) the most fun vehicles out there, and turned it into a lifestyle fan club.

I was pretty crushed when I woke up on Monday and there was cloud cover everywhere in my part of Missouri...but even still, Mother Nature put on a helluva show. As CSX321 said, the totality was 1000x better than any other part of the rest of the eclipse. This was the picture I took with my crappy (for a DSLR that