The best road trip is at
The best road trip is at
I want the Michael Jackson acappella demo tape for Sonic 3 way worse than I want the Donald Trump Russian hooker pee tape.
Harley folks vary by region. I almost always get a wave from them on my 1980 Honda UJM on any Nebraska highway. I once saw a guy on an Electroglide and a guy on a Suzuki Burgman wave at each other.
We’re AMC Pacer people here too. But any time we went to a show we had the only AMC anything.
They should have named it Federation Motorcycles from the start. Then you can shout “Engage!” in your best Patrick Stewart voice every time you grab the clutch.
Motobug is different from the Goomba in one way. You hardly ever see it again. The Mario franchise churned out endless variations of the Goomba and Koopa. Every new zone in a Sonic game had between four and six badniks for you to smash. Some of which would be unique to the level and never reused. That’s why I will…
Soon as I saw the new droid, I knew the thing would be thoroughly Torch’d.
This show is an emotional rollercoaster from hilarious to depressing to ironically uplifting. I think I keep watching just to root for Bojack because it is so hard for him to do the right thing. He knows he is broken and he is trying to get better, but he has so many strikes against him. A rare sort of detestable…
I went to Disney World in 1993 and on a tram ride my brother spotted the exterior shell of the Trimaxion drone ship. It was just laying there with the door missing, next to one of the Herbie beetles and that dog shaped cafe from The Rocketeer. We freaked out.
I only ever saw it as an adult. Brilliant movie. But I could only experience the terror of the red bull vicariously.... by watching my children’s reactions. Bad parenting.
I think I still have a copy with that terrible cover. Bloated and fundamentally flawed, but somehow still a fun read. After a nineties worth of gritty antiheros, there is something charming in the All Loving Hero archetype of Johnny G. He actually feels sorry for Terl? How?
Apparently Your Millage May Vary. Saw NIMH as a kid. Still liked it. Somehow missed The Last Unicorn and saw it last year on Netflix. I was actually impressed. I expected there to be flaws in an animated movie from that era that did not have the rigorous quality control of Disney.(And even Disney struggled.) …