GrannyShifter (don't judge my Hofmeister kink)

I’m guessing rust, and the fact that they aren’t great in the snow. I recently moved back to Virginia after 20 years in Minnesota, and I’m shocked by the number of rust free Preludes and Integras that I see on a weekly basis.

I’ve always thought the 5th gen Prelude is a fantastic looking car. I don’t know why I’d ever need a FWD car, but if I did, I’d look for a Prelude.

a twin-turbo straight six could turn the sedan and coupe into an M3/4 killer.

Not really. You could get them loaded up with options, but they were basically F150s with seats in an enclosed bed. I had one that I bought cheap to fix up and sell, and it was about as basic as a truck could be in 2005.

Some used car prices have actually dropped lately. This morning I was shocked to find that manual 987 Boxsters and non-turbo 996 911s seem to be settling back to where they should be vs. the ridiculous prices they were listing for a few months ago.

One (or both) of these.  They are about the same price, and about the same size. Aside from the Jeep-iness, are either of them objectively better or more appealing than any of the other dozens of CUVs in the same class?

It’s amazing how Nissan took the Maxima from a good car that filled its niche really well for many years to a less attractive option than an Altima.

They still do it that way. I’ve had an F30 for 4 years and just found my other 12v port under the glove box when I changed the cabin air filter.

The Mirage would be a great first car because it sets the bar so low that everything that follows will probably seem amazing.  

I once saw a “girl” at the Las Vegas airport down a 20 oz beer and a GLASS of Vodka at 10 am.

Agreed. I once bought an Eagle Talon TSi instead of an Eclipse GSX because Mitsubishi’s are junk.

The interior looks odd. Usually all the black has come off the buttons or has turned in to a sticky mess, but the airbags aren’t scrumpled.

My mom had an ‘85 New Yorker. It had a lot of turbo badges, but felt like the turbo was installed backwards. When it ran at all, which wasn’t often.

A good portion of the population doesn’t want to live like that, even if it was affordable.

Aldi sells Simms brand biltong. We usually have a few bags in the cabinet. I don’t know how authentic it is.  Its sugar free, and doesn’t have as much flavor as most supermarket jerky, but it is tasty.

Not necessarily. Revolving accounts and loans are factored differently in credit scores. Also, credit scoring is basically 1 part math, 1 part mystery algorithm, and 2 parts bullshit.  Each scoring system uses a slightly different recipe.  

I think there is a record player in there too. Every time I’m stopped next to one in traffic, they are usually cranking some old arena rock that sounds like its played on a Victrola and piped through a megaphone on an AM radio.

If they would have called this bike the Discorectangle in 1979, we’d all still be wearing polyester bellbottoms.

Everybody out here talking about Camrys...what about the time Toyota put their biggest V6 in their mommy mobile?   

This is a WTF blast from the past. You don’t see to many adds targeted at successful cult leaders, human traffickers, and televangelists these days.