GrannyShifter (don't judge my Hofmeister kink)

Bob Lutz explains it all in painstaking detail.

Who wants to buy a 15 year old car for NEW car money?

I replaced plenty of those Taurus head units. Metra made a dash kit for these cars.  It included 15 feet of wire harness because Ford was already using the NEX approach - the factory tuner and and speaker connections were mounted under the back seat. 

This is a motorcycle that I could see myself purchasing this year. On paper, it meets my needs, and its affordable. But I’m 5'11 with a 34" inseam, and currently approaching 240 lbs. with all my riding gear on. I’m very comfortable on my Triumph Sprint, but I fear that this may be too small or too slow for my

As far as the ownership...that is concerning. I’d certainly want to hear his story.

As a former car audio installer, I would have high-fived that dude.

They aren’t that hard to find if you are looking for them. And this one has the all too common Cambiocorsa transmission which is a pain in the ass to use, expensive to maintain, and unreliable. If it was a true manual, then maybe its worth $25k.

I test drove a sedan when they first hit the was shockingly dull considering the hype of it being a “3 series killer”.

Because just comparing horsepower sucks so much.   The v8 in the SS made 323 lb-ft of torque compared to 262 in the M3.  They were designed with different goals in mind.

I was even more disturbed by the piece of regular old carpet under the urinal in the other men’s room. Best case scenario is that its part of a booby trap and is just lo0sely covering a deep pit.

We don’t have the preponderance of young buyers like we had from the ‘60s through the ‘80s who drove the market for sporty cars.

Unfortunately, that means roughly $12,000 into a Frankenstein Porsche project based on a 986. There are plenty of well sorted Boxsters for less, and that’s about where S pricing starts. The 3.4 would be fun when it was working, but I’d rather have a bone stock S...those cars are damn near perfect out of the box.

All the Stars...I think Kendric Llamar and SZA would approve.

bought a 2007 M6 from the junk sales ( in mint condition) for $6,400.00

“For the metropolitan area in L.A., this is a perfect way to engage certain target groups Youtubers and influencers with the brand,”

Nope. They’ll half ass it with a standard Vette motor and call it an SS.

I was about to lecture you about the value of patience when selling on gregslist, until I got to the 911 part. I’ve sold trucks and sporty cars without too much hassle, and I’ve gotten the prices I’ve wanted by playing the long game. But $5500 was the most I ever charged for one of my hoopties.  Porsche’s must attract

Ah, the old Harley-Davidson competitive strategy.  Worked out great for them, right up until it didn’t.

I don’t really care about off road heritage. But trying to leverage the history of Jeep against the likes of Ford seems like a bad idea. The Bronco itself has a solid reputation going back decades, and Ford’s “off-road heritage” goes back to the Model T.

Some of us want sporty cars that can carry things!