Granny Rape is Real

“.....because you do clearly have the talent to do so”

nah, you aren’t.

You’re not.

Great use of irony! I love what you did there.

How is not finding inspiration in a set of individuals equated with misogyny?

the co-moderator of the conference said he believed Talese’s understanding of the question was whether he was inspired by any female journalists when he was cutting his teeth in the industry in the ‘50's and ‘60's—as opposed to whether he has ever been inspired by women writers.

I’m sure that you are okay, and you are indeed talented, but you’re not publishing books on the national and international level of Gay Talese, Tom Wolfe, or Hunter S. Thompson.

Great answer. I mean who the hell cares? All of my favorite musicians are male...again, who the hell cares? This “everyone MUST BE INCLUDED IN EVERYTHING” movement is bullshit. Annoying bullshit.

So, your ‘experience’ as a commenter on a gossip site has led you to certain consclusions about writers who have influenced journalism for the last fifty years or so? You frequent a site, where journalists online content generators gossip about the Kardashians 24/7, hail popstars as the epitome of feminism and

He was asked about his opinion. Whose opinion he should have given? He wasn’t asked to simply name a few female journalists of that era, he was asked about the ones who inspired him. None have, so he gave that answer. I’m sure, there are numerous male contemporaries who haven’t inspired him either. If someone claims,

He’s an 84 year old white man whose heyday was the 1960's.

Man gets asked a question. Man answers truthfully in the most neutral, non-judgemental way possible. Man explains his answer, again in a calm, rational manner. Man gets roasted over coals on social media by people who, even at their best, would not be deemed worthy of proofreading a Talese piece.