
I would not trust any system that is not transparent. To assume the school doesn’t have its own motivations and intentions is naive. This kid may have done what people say he has done, but your giving way too much credit to an institution whose main concern is their self image,in a climate where not punishing the

I’m sure nobody will read this, and Jezebel isn’t the place for this, but it needs to be said: What you said is completely and utterly incorrect. You are right that at a basic administrative level, schools are allowed to have their own administrative procedures; however, I also don’t think that you would consider rape

come on, you really think they worry about that more than the backlash of “she accused him of rape, but we didn’t take her word for it”? You’ve seen what the reaction is here whenever anyone doubts an accusation.

They’re also free to be sued each and every time they eject a student. One of these students will win eventually and, when that student does, it will be for a whole ton of money.

But almost everything is a privilege. Your job is a privilege, not a right. How would you feel if someone made an accusation about you, and you were forced to leave your job while your boss decided whether you should be there or not?

A University’s student conduct process is almost entirely legally protected, especially for private schools.

The school will likely not “pull out all the stops” because even if they followed (what they thought was) their process, it may still make them look very bad. University bureaucratic procedures have a habit of not being very well-thought-out or even legal. It’ll be interesting to see how hard they fight this. You can

Given the 13 month gap in time between the incident and when the process began to move forward, it would be difficult to see how campus safety could plausibly be invoked.

Yep. What’s bothersome is that the victim here sounds very much like she wanted to remain anonymous, stated that she didn’t want Montague punished, and initially all she just wanted was to make sure he understood what he’d done wasn’t right.

Justice Brandeis said that sunshine is said to be the best of disinfectants. It will be nice to see the sun shine on Yale’s duplicitous conduct.

I realize this is going to make me unpopular around here, but there is a significant difference between this case and the Brock Turner case. In the Yale case, there has been no criminal trial, only an internal review process behind closed doors, so none of us knows what evidence was presented or what a jury would have

Regarding this article. I had a close friend, who got expelled from my university. Had a 4.0gpa, was working in a genetics lab, fast track to med school, respected. Lost it all because a girl said that he sexually assaulted her. Changed her story as to how and what happened thrice in the universities hearing. The

Ellie doesn’t mention that the two named defendants are the Title IX coordinators involved, Angela Gleason and Jason Killheffer. That’s a bit unusual from a procedural front; it’s far more common to have Does 1-20 prior to discovery.

I doubt he would want to bring it up again unless he was innocent. If he’s guilty then fuck him, but he deserves a chance. That is the problem with this site. This site is terrible for the cause.

Maybe we should wait for the facts to...nope this is Jezebel!

I clicked the link on Deadspin and started reading. I got about a paragraph in and started thinking, “wow, the author really seems to frame the whole article around the fact that the guy is definitely guilty”. Then I saw that I had been linked to a Jezebel article.

Wait, if the girl told the Title IX person she didn’t think the guy heard say no, isn’t that basically a fool-proof defense to claim of rape? and if its true that Yale convinced her to file a complaint by falsely stating he had been accused of this before, why isn’t that relevant?

no one person side, the female side.

What if he’s right?

Probably investment banking or management consulting...and making more money in 5 years than I’ll see in 30.