Yeah. Section 5 of the voting rights act really did get repealed and black people in 2015 are watching their voting rights being suppressed again, but it's the negroes fault that rich white gay men can't get that tax break. #byefelecia
Yeah. Section 5 of the voting rights act really did get repealed and black people in 2015 are watching their voting rights being suppressed again, but it's the negroes fault that rich white gay men can't get that tax break. #byefelecia
Do you REALLY think you should tell people from groups of which you are not a part what is offensive to them. I think Tina Rey is a hipster racist too. I don't consider it something I need to debate with people who aren't part of the groups she offends.
We are none of us out here on our own. THAT may in fact be the one beautifully simple, fundamental truth of Blackness.
Identical in the way that they both have teeth and eyeballs?
No, he/she is saying that if she looked like Beyonce it wouldn't be that way
So what you're saying is that beauty standards in the tennis realm coincide with white blondeness? And that that has nothing to with race?
The one point where I don't agree with the author is his argument that race has anything to do with why Serena makes less in endorsements/sponsorship than Sharapova. Sharapova makes that much money in sponsorship because she's hot. Same as Kurnikova, except Kurnikova was an even worse player.
Yes and yes to both...they will come for us for saying it and yes it is true. They want to claim that people hate problematic racist women for being women even when the people critiquing them are women of color(they have no problem saying we aren't real women in comparison to them0. They have no problem violently…
The problem is that they were caught on camera they were not expelled for being racist they were expelled because they were caught on camera, please especially if you are white do not start with that racism is taken more seriously than rape or sexism because that is not true.
The only people that are "shocked" that this is happening in 2015 are white people. The rest of us are like "eh, it's just another [insert day of the week]."
"but at her core, [Joan Rivers] had a good heart and sense of humility."
Left shark approves.
This hit, that ice cold
whenever someone says that ("would you like fries with your order") as an insult to demean someone I cringe
what the fuck is wrong with having a job. that comment is so fucking classist and gross. get over yourself
No, she's right. Stars and execs routinely fly first. Why should she be treated any differently? That's bullshit. And $50,000 is a pittance for a movie. Yeah, I know, that's what she signed up for. But it's also what the producers knew they could get away with, because roles like that don't come along every day…
If I was required to fly to France without pay to promote the film, I would demand business class too.
I could have been wearing it instead of Zendaya, and I'm as white as they come
I have to say, I love how Zendaya responded to this situation. If she is this wise now, then hopefully she will continue to be incredibly graceful when other things hit her, as it just happens in life.
you gon walk over here, but you gonna limp back.