
Breaking the law, and I’m not arguing that it doesn’t need to change because it does, isn’t the way to achieve things.

This comment is to the gray dude underneath you. I’m commenting to you because I refuse to ungray that piece of shit:

Trust me, I won’t. I’ve seen what happens when you call the police for help these days.

I am so done with this. I can no longer see any cop without immediately feeling suspicion and revulsion. How many times do we need to see police terrorizing their communities before we do something?

They must, actually. The hem has to hang right around the shoe when standing. If the pants looked normal while sitting, they would be a baggy mess while standing.

She won’t get any of my empathy. She is belittling black women. She thinks that all it takes to be a black woman is to tan your skin, wear shitty wigs, and take black dick. She is scum.

“Officer, I didn’t know I couldn’t do that?”

Why do you have so many racist people on your Facebook feed that you let go unshamed?

If a Vegan does crossfit, what do they rush to tell you about first?

Republicans, these are the people you vote for. These are the people you willingly choose as your leaders. You elect people who throw their support behind incestuous molestors. You elect people who raise children who torture animals. This is conservatism in the year 2015.

My point is who made you the arbiter of this? How disabled do you have to be, exactly? Could you write it up for us? Like how much of a bitch is my grandmother for not doing her own nails because of her arthritis, exactly? Or my sister, who can’t bend over.

(1) What is going on with your toes that you assume everyone else’s are disgusting?

Remember that time, she called herself mom in chief and white feminists tripped over themselves trying to come for her, and then they were met with clap backs heard round the world? Good times

Are we just gonna pretend that she does not look absolutely ridiculous here? I must not be in the loop because nothing about this merits the “bow down” and “slay” responses to me. Her facial expressions and poses are comical. She takes herself way to seriously for my taste.

Not to pile on, but it’s kinda not cool to make fun of a name just because it sounds funny to you—whether or not you eventually learn of its South African origins.

an acceptable way of voicing dissent

This will be the defining image. When the dust has settled this image will be the defining image of the killing and the ensuing protests. This will be the image white people will patronizingly hold up to tell black people how they should act in the face of overwhelming generational adversity and oppression. I mean big

But YOU are the one saying that they didn't "think about" what they are doing or actually "affect change." (Are those quotes sufficient?) You are unilaterally disregarding any conscious thought on behalf of the protesters or impact (large or small) b/c YOU think it is "not exactly the most effective way" to get their