To be fair, I reacted in a similar manner when I came home to my wife fucking some penguin.
To be fair, I reacted in a similar manner when I came home to my wife fucking some penguin.
One bled over the cuckold’s nest
It is super telling about every single one of your privileges that you brush off his dangerous racism, misogyny, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, love for murderous tyrants, and ignorance with a mere “...worse for some people, but calm your little heads”. Seriously? Get stuffed.
you go to a junior collenge
The world at large wonders why women aren’t more friendly with and accommodating to ostentatiously “nice” guys playing at performative chivalry. It’s because when they get you alone, this is what they fucking do.
Okay. I disagree with Daugherty on almost all of his policy positions, but kudos to him for this ad. Charming and positive. Here’s (reluctantly) hoping that people learn from this shitshow of an election and start making more positive, funny ads like this one.
As the locals would say, he robbed them blind.
Let’s split the difference and agree that the flight attendant is an idiot without insulting people based on their professions.
Well, as one of the 4 daughters of a man who retained his sexist attitudes after I was born, colour me not shocked. Becoming fathers doesn’t cure men of sexist attitudes.
You know, I do criticize academia for being elitist and ostracizing POC a lot of the time, but goddam these people show so much hostility toward education and educated folks. The reading comprehension level is embarrassing - it’s the equivalent of plugging your ears with you fingers and going “lalalalala, I can’t hear…
He got all huffy.
It’s a legal loophole and not necessarily the truth. If an officer “reasonably feels like” his/her life is in danger they can shoot the assumed suspect. It doesn’t matter if it’s a real threat or not. They just have to say that they “feared for their lives.” This is how they get away with murder. This is also why the…
Always now, the first thing we hear is the police feared for their lives. These well-armed, presumably well-trained, professionals who, again presumably, chose to go into their profession, are evidently scared out of their minds every second of their shifts.
1. Fuck you
I’m okay with minimums for felonies involving assaults. (This should be common sense - most people assume three felony rape convictions automatically would equal more than a summercamp worth of jail time.)
But I also think there’s a fairly large difference between mandating long sentences for non-violent offenders and telling judges they’re no longer allowed to treat sexual assault like a non-crime, no matter how much they empathize with the rapists and how little concern they have for rape victims.
We also haven’t gotten as much exposure to Johnson. His stupidity hasn’t been driven in as thoroughly.
Generic, faceless Republican - overt racism + weed = Gary Johnson
The fact that Johnson said he “feels horrible” and needs to “get smarter” also tells me he’s not a raging narcissist, so that’s something.
They’re talking about her persona, not her body. Similar to when a boring/mediocre white actor or entertainer gets compared to “white bread.” Buttered noodles = bland, boring, etc.