grand theft otter

There’s an incredibly high rate of incarceration for relatively minor crimes (especially drug possession, etc.). We need to decriminalize drug use and replace that with making treatment available, for starters. There’s lots of other crimes that are too harshly punished, as well. Rape is not one of them.

i was physically ill and wasn’t able to “escape the pestering”--fuck you and your rape apologia.

And she should also stop teaching him that women will claim they’ve been raped just because they consented to sex they weren’t super into, or just because they were drunk. Hey, here’s a thought: women who consent to sex they weren’t super into or have sex while drunk think of themselves as having sex they weren’t into

Here’s the deal.

If you teach your son to respect women, to not have sex with drunk women, to not have sex without clear consent, he will be fine. Most of the men I know have not ever even put themselves in a position where a rape accusation would make any sense. If after that you insist on being scared of some sort of boogeyman rape

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Then teach your son, first, not to rape, second, no means no, third, do not pester for sex and fourth watch this video with him.

Then teach your sons not to rape! I give exactly zero fucks about the worries of parents with sons who are just convinced that slutty girls will ruin their precious boys’ lives. By virtue of being born male they will have much easier lives than their female classmates. I care a lot more about the girls who will

Because making makeup friendly and accessible to normal women is totally “horrible and pathetic”.

I always make false rape allegations because it makes my life better and easier.

Yeah. It actually does feel retaliatory. My racist piece of shit aunt whose son-in-law is a cop always goes on about how she’s against black people because they are against police. Apparently black people as a whole need to be punished according to her, and you know she’s shared this sentiment with her son-in-law,

I love* how Hillary being cheated on is a mark against her.

Mental gymnastics. My body may be Sookie St James, but my mind is Simone Biles.

Thank you thank you thank you. So much this.

It’s interesting you should mention “trigger warnings”. As we near the election, I find more and more conservatives getting uncomfortable with jokes at their candidates’ expense, frank conversations about policy, and the acknowledgement that certain types of people exist.

Title Nein

men are just too emotional for sports

That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.

Men Always fuck us over. Always.

But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.

Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?