Sounds like the end levels of Deus Ex.
Sounds like the end levels of Deus Ex.
Well my parents always say to me that there's always a chance that I get arrested for something only by skin association, and I live in Canada. It's a global problem in the western world.
Windows 8.1 is great, if you learn to use it, also it's lighter and manage resources better. Also I love that new explorer/taskmanager.
Overclocking is great in the last years of you PC's lifecycle, to squeeze some more performance before the bugger dies.
You can also "uninstall" licenses, there was a Lifehacker post about that.
Welll in French the Witcher (the character not the game) is called "le Sorceleur" which is just the English equivalent of putting "-er" in "Witchcraft" (Sorcelerie) or Witch (Sorciere)
I think one of the problem in the industry is that you have to say that yes you're a gamer AND female as if it was out of norm or weird when it shouldn't.
Maybe Legend Of Zelda will finally be about Zelda for once.
I'll buy that game twice: WiiU, PC
If you want to tan do it like your toasts, do it naked!
There's the "Medium", the guy who watched so many shows/movies he can literally sniff out tropes and plot twist at the beginning of the show. That's me.
Whore pills exist? Give them to all women, all women should be horny!
English has a bad habit of stealing from French, out of spite for everyone implicated. Though it's not like French makes any sense either, for example "Tout droit" and "Tout à droite" mean two totally different things. A small quirk that I was able to catch, thanks to one of my friends who's not a native French…
I think you mean "tout de suite.", "tout suite" is for peasants!
When it comes to national security, the army budget, foreign policy, Israel, pretty much everything that really counts, both party echo each other. Americans only vote on which style they prefer, the content is mostly the same. (EDIT: Also how they're going to hide to tax cut to the rich.)
Ruin his career? He can't be president for another half-decade, can he? Well, there's those books, but they're translated and would still have a huge success oversea. Conferences? Doing that would make him much more interesting as a panelist! I mean it is his last mandate he could do anything and say it's because he's…
Holy shit, there's a C in the G! Never saw that!
Microsoft went with ignore me but I think I'll still have to hide that huge VCRish box from my set if I buy it. It's easier to ignore small things, and nintendo and sony knew that.
But our penises control our brain! We must follow our penis' will regardless of humanity and decency! Or that's what we're told to think...