People are still getting trapped into that constructed controversy marketing campaign? Yeah, giving in to the hating does feel good, but you're contributing to Miley's wallet by venting it on the social media!
People are still getting trapped into that constructed controversy marketing campaign? Yeah, giving in to the hating does feel good, but you're contributing to Miley's wallet by venting it on the social media!
One less competitor, thank you for removing yourself from the decent guy sperm race (though many assholes participate in it too!).
Also Black people are born all white, at least I was! (Tell that whenever someone is showing its Le racist persona!)
Steam was teh DRM that toppled them all! It's the only DRM that had an impact on pirates like me, using the carrot instead of stick method!
I thought they'd make us pay a yearly fee for that...err I didn't say anything go away Valve, this is not the post you are looking for!
Humanizing the bad guys is the way to go, but the Western media sucks at that, think of all the masked minions on TV and movies. Games that gives you the option of a non-lethal sometimes gives you the opportunity of thinking about what you're doing. Dishonored for example tried not to kill any guard, because those…
A tragic story needs humor or it's not human story but caricature. (note: you are more likely to survive a tragedy if you're the optimistic type with a sense of humor, it's proven)
Well for marksmanship if you need something to mark your target and prove that you can aim, there are paint guns, BB guns, Laser Quest, and even video games. Those things have the often the sole purpose of marking your target and registering an hit. The point of the marksmanship skill is to make you a good hunter too…
Only if we continue to aggressively mine with nVidias, I mean nividium.
Spaceships and stations have plenty of inflammable gases & oxygen in them, not to mention that these "flames" might be plasma!
Yeah mouse-over description are a boon for complex games, the Total War series understood that with their 4 cards mouse-over description! I think what their aiming with X Rebirth is to transform many of those menus into physical objects, that's why you can move around your ship. Want to manage your economic empire,…
From what I see the game is A VERY DIFFERENT beast from the other X games, and I've played the shit out of those games, so my pattern recognition is probably more accurate than yours. I can see a lot of X fanboys that will rage on the more simplified gameplay when it comes out, also it seems that they solved their…
So it won't make a difference which race you play then! I mean except for your origin story, your race didn't make a difference in DA:O.
So I'm a loser since I still live with my parents as an engineering student who has to buy a 300$ book for each course each semesters, not counting the other materials and the fees. You come off as an asshole mistaking people socioeconomics for virtue.
Even though this discussion is a totally valid, as there's is an obvious reductionist bias in culture towards women, I think tone of her videos and their credibility based on her reputation alone undermine it.
Seems there's shitloads of scary reactions from both end of the spectrum, from almost victim shaming, to let the stalker burn in the hells of prison.
I meant that I got hung up on that part on my first read and that I'm sorry for that. Reading and writing too fast, it must be the coffee I took! xD
Reread your question, got hung up on the "can't get past the kiddie looks" part, sorry. As for Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi, their story were better than your average Mario game but not stellar neither, the mechanics of game play and the quirky situations the game gets you into are the charm of those games. Though…
I don't know WTF you're talking about but SMRPG story wasn't serious and looked as kiddie as its spiritual successors. If playing a great game that looks childish makes you uncomfortable of your adult status, well that's ironically quite juvenile.