
Why does Otis Nixon have a bodyguard?

How many minutes do you think it’ll take him to get kicked out of the next bar? I figure four.

Absolute numbers mean very little. To put it another way, India has 16.6 road fatalities (per 100,000 people) compared to the 10 of the US. That’s a 66% increase.

How about the time I got hit by a truck on my motorcycle. My wife was down the street eating lunch. She and her friends saw all the first responders hauling ass down the street from the restaurant. She joked to them, “Oh shit. Somebody’s dead.”

I worked with a woman whose adult son was killed while helping a stranded motorist. The accident happened early in the morning and made the front page of the paper. She arrived at the office and had not yet received the news, the paper was on her desk.

How can not you see how good at business she is?

C’mon, y’all - cut Jim some slack. It’s not like he didn’t award her at least two kudos; he’s not HEARTLESS.

Found the lonely unmarried bastard.

Like not laughing at your boss’s dumb jokes, a refusal to buy would hurt their likelihood of keeping their jobs. But buying it/laughing at the jokes of a narcissistic tyrant, kills a little piece of your soul as it is a sign of your powerlessness.

I got hired by Deadspin? Fucking sweet. I’m out of this shitbag office.

I COMPLETELY agree with you. With one caveat. If a guy was serious about learning as much as he could, taking advice from the various EXPERIENCED people who are available to him, and then helping craft a way forward with those same people, as well as other interested parties, it is conceivable that a guy, any guy,

I’m guessing that’s not quite as true with the officer corps. Enlisted guys from East Bijip, Kansas? Sure thing.

Incredibly angry, thanks for asking!

These useless chucklefucks. Just look at this smarmy little dipshit.

I like how the responses got more angry and mean as they went on. I bet they feel real good at being able to tell the difference between a major and a colonel. I’m pretty sure you were going for a joke and then people just attack you for being dumb. Yep, confirmed that we are on Deadspin.

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

Those uniforms were supposed to be a one-time thing. They came out maybe on Memorial Day of last year or the year before. For whatever reason that I don’t comprehend, this year they have been the generic home uniform (although to be fair, we’ve only had 5 home games. The Big XII very smartly back-ended our home

This will almost certainly put him at odds with former teammate and notorious crip Wes Welker.

You don't get it. It's really about the dunks he's NOT dunking.

“Can I just stay out of this debate? Aaron Hernandez is a good friend of mine. I have known him for a long time. I support all my friends. That is what I have to say. He’s a good friend of mine.”

Honestly I would be content if he just held me in his arms like a baby. i live around the corner from him IT COULD HAPPEN.