Tom Bennett

I recently worked on a marketing project for a large Korean auto manufacturer - You know the one...which gave me a look into their marketing segmentation. We presented a lot of new models for how to appeal to the Millennial, such as shared ownership, access vs. ownership (like car2go, etc..) and a number of social

Not sure, but it was labeled: REKORDFARHT

Looks like <sadface>

Do we need a "go bag" like Walter White? ($2M in cash and a 50Cal machine gun)

So like a boss that blue yourself.

are you hanging out with David Cross?

...really ought to be using cinder blocks.

Can these just get any uglier? As a rule they're horrid.

Psh. You guys are idiots. You've clearly been fooled, as those roads, cars and even the people are from the new Red Bull driving game. There's no way there are roads like that.

On the Spinal Roof Concept: What if the rear glass retracts UP INTO THE ROOF.

I like how it 'feels' a bit like the Toronado (wheels and the slabby side profile) but the side profile with the windows does feel a bit out of proportion. ...AND I don't see the NART name going that far with marketing.

"Why didn't you chock?!?!"

Yes Yes OHMYGAWD YES... I hate dirty white socks on the dash in a minivan when the "ass" family goes by on the road near WalMart.

Just IMAGINE how long it took to just get everyone on the grid and lined up. Probably took hours.


I agree... Henry Ford was a notorious tyrant, making it nearly impossible for his engineers to be successful. Read up on the history. HF hated V8s, and he had craaazy ideas about an X configuration engine that he pushed for years until it was finally proven to be nonsense. He only relented on V8s from pressure from

I saw this at the dealer the day it arrived. (Wife was in buying a red 500). This vehicle is unremarkable in person, and really kind of awful, especially next to the interesting aesthetics of the 500s parked all around it at the dealer.


Apparently they were, too.

That's pretty meta. Even for those clever Y'urps.