
Jesus, that explaination! Own it sister. Say you’re sorry and move on.

No. I do not co-sign.

Comey is amazing. He managed to get the word hookers off that dossier into public record by way of writing what Trump said to him. Brillz! He’s basically begging to be asked about it and legitimize it further.

Way to bury the lede!!!!

YAS!!! One million ⭐ for you!!

Now playing

Unfortunately, it likely won’t include Let the River Run- Andy Cohen asked her back in January and got a kind of awkward response.


I absolutely support a person’s right to say no. No unwanted attention, no unwanted touching. Ever.

I’m Team Jerry on this one, just cause you want does not mean you get

Ambush hugs should be against the law. Personal space, people.

Seems like an add-on DLC to Sun/Moon, only greedily turned to a full-on separate product. Sun and Moon players should be cheesed by this announcement.

Yep. There’s no reason to say the slur. Especially in an academic setting where all parties are, presumably, adults who know not to say that specific slur and why. There isn’t a single gorram reason a white person ever needs to actually say the n word. None. No excuses.

Clearly, you’ve never been one of a handful of Black students in a class reading Huckleberry Finn. Or To Kill A Mockingbird. Or The Help.

Ahh, hell no! You’re not blaming pot for this vile shithead. I’ve been smoking pot over half my life and I am not a smug, arrogant, asshole, who thinks I’m clever and smarter than everyone else. It’s a character flaw, not a symptom.

If you’re a white person, and you’re not a professor of linguistics giving a seminar on the history of racial epithets to postgrads, stop it.

How are there so many members of government who don’t know what freedom of speech means? It protects you from the government. No one else.

If you’re a white person, and you’re not a professor of linguistics giving a seminar on the history of racial epithets to postgrads, stop it. Stop it now. Whatever the situation, even in “irony” [and from your perspective without malice], you’ve radically misjudged the mood. Stop it.

I mean, it’s only going fuck over our kids and grandkids, amirite? Honestly, who cares, right Mike?