If you don’t show up you are still charged for the ticket, though (at least, that’s what happened to me when I missed a flight). So airlines just want to make twice the money of one seat, and I can’t summon up a whole lot of sympathy for that.
If you don’t show up you are still charged for the ticket, though (at least, that’s what happened to me when I missed a flight). So airlines just want to make twice the money of one seat, and I can’t summon up a whole lot of sympathy for that.
A lack of planning on United’s part doesn’t constitute an emergency on mine.
I understand, but I just don’t care.
Is this for real? A company actually forcibly removed a passenger - over their mistake, no less - and essentially physically assaulted him?? And that statement is the only thing they have to say about it? This is legitimately unfucking believable, holy shit. I hope he sues the living hell out of them and wins.
If only there were some way to keep airlines from selling more seats than are physically available in a plane.
So if I’m to understand this, this guy already paid for a ticket and was seated, but the airline wanted to give his seat to an employee??? How is this possibly the procedure???
I’m HOH, so much that living in the hearing world is so difficult sometimes that I don’t want to get out of bed. I was mainstreamed to read lips only. No sign. Thanks parents and teachers! I was raised to please your hearing world. I am sitting here with tears streaming down my eyes right now reading some of the…
Do captions really bother non-hearing impaired folks? I use captions all the time because I like to watch netflix on my phone while in th tub, Margot Tenebaum-style, and it echoes too much/annoys my boyfriend. Even when he’s not around and I have the volume up, I leave the captions set to ‘on’ because I’m lazy and I…
She’s a Kardashian. If the point isn’t contained in a modeling, acting, or reality TV contact and dependent upon a Kardashian getting paid, then she’ll never understand it
That’s unpossible!
I imagine that when you belong to the kind of shallow, narcissistic world that the Kardashian clan has built for themselves then the smallest bit of criticism must be really hard to take.
Every single time Dump makes a move to prove he’s his own “man” he shines a brighter spotlight on his treason. It would be hilarious if we all weren’t about to die.
It’s hilarious that most of the Congress people interviewed agreed with this type of action, yet the dems, and Rubio to an extent, were the only ones who’re like “hello, you gotta consult with us before you do this”
The boners that these attacks gave McCain and Lindsey Graham will protect Trump for another three months.
I’m beginning to wonder if tonight won’t be a turning point as far as impeachment goes. Notifying Russia instead of Congress before bombing Syria isn’t going to go over well with the House and Senate.
this is not a banner week for competitive eating...