
Accio doobie.

Fuck yes. #GrandmaApproved

Kevin walker is my husband.

“In Chechnya’s ultra-traditional society, based on strong codes of family and clan allegiance as well as Islamic faith, having a gay relative is seen as a stain on the entire extended family.” Some really tone deaf writing from the Guardian. Call this what it is—bigotry, homophobia, fearmongering. Attempts to locate

A mentos would have made this situation much better.

Wait, is she managing to miss the point AGAIN???

“I still keep your shampoo in my shower / In case you want to wash your hair / You probably got some more from somewhere [the store?] / but as long as it is there ... I still feel like your man.”


The best way to advance your own argument is to completely ignore what others are saying.

For a second I thought he was with Murphy Brown.


Yes! I become an entirely different person when I get to work. Instead of the inner 85-year-old sex-positive grandmother that I am, I have to pretend to be this fucking 30-something idiot who laughs at jokes about coffee and Mondays.

Grandma loves a good pearl necklace.

I’m a married man, but I don’t have a wife.

It’s almost as if her tone-deaf advice is tone-deaf.

Men are pigs.

I think she’s had a brilliant idea. Media-enabled hoes. Now I can watch the fresh prince reunion while working in the garden.

This is a new low.

I have the biggest crush on the cash can driver. Those ears ...

Under no circumstance would I willingly observe the death of someone who is being killed by the state.