
With all due respect AKA……LIGHTEN the Hell up…'s called humor and you're being terribly presumptuous in thinking that those with a sense of humor are incapable or unwilling to do what YOU want to dictate that they should do. I may not fully agree with HOW Andrew expresses his opinions, but surely….I WILL

LOL! STOP!!!! I can't take any more of you 2… sides hurt from laughing! I'm an old woman…I could have an anurism or something! (seriously…..thanks! I enjoy the sharp wit!)

:-) My info could be a little "stale". I only know that 45 years ago when I moved to NYC to live with my Aunt, she had to break me of my "hick" behaviors….LOL! Like…..ordering well done steak. At the time, and still, I have seen menus even recently which specify that the chefs will not accept the responsibility

Hummmm, D.C. restaurants must have pretty low standards. Most decent steakhouses won't take an order for a steak that's burned up. Generally, anything , more than "medium"' and they tell you to go to McDonald's.