
Oh I agree. I just happen to be fond of Chiang. Alex Ross on the other hand...gorgeous as his work is, kinda makes her look a bit manly - particularly on the action figure he designed for DCD.

LOOK at WW in this pic...does she look like a damn She-Hulk? Nope!

I gotta admit...roaming the 'net, I found that most of the backlash was coming from folks who haven't read a Wonder Woman comic in their entire lives let alone research the many "armored" looks she's been known to don for battle. A "showtunes night" video remix in a gay bar of Lynda Carter spinning endlessly it ain't.

BTdubs, it's "Laurence" Fishburne

Maybe my dreams will come true and Miss Ross will pop by to guest star as Tracee's "mom"!

BESS and I go waaaaay back! What a hoot that was!

BTW, PRO: Eric and Pam shadily attended a TED CRUZ fundraiser at the BUSH LIBRARY!

This was the best fucking article of the day and bonus for showing Dame Elizabeth in all her caftaneuous glory!

I like this...Josh Brolin can be Batman and forget about the fact that his ex-wife is playing Superman's mom.

A fucking inspiration...sad sad sad. We'll miss you, lady!

Quinoa milk looks like sewer water and tastes like nothing. I've admittedly jumped on this smug, douchey anti-cow train and am at the end of the line. Kerrygold is the best fucking butter you can buy commercially and I'm going back to fresh, local whole milk. If you don't drink milk very often (like me) and use it in

His brother, Bill is quite enjoyable on "Hemlock Grove".

I adored last night. Pam was fucking brilliant and ladies, who else feels the way Ginger did when she first saw Eric (only it's every time I see ASkars)?

As an unabashed fan of pre-Crisis Wonder Woman, I'd seriously like to know where Egg-Fu, Mouse Man and the Blue Snowman are? I'm totally kidding...or am I?

Like 'em both but this one looks like it's a little more easy to move in.


I have a neighbor building a shed by hand (along with the fireworks which have clearly already started!) right now.

"Dinah Redmond", "Ivy Pepper"...thanks DC!

As much of a hack as Joan is, I've seen the gay-BO and trans-MO stuff before. The R trolls love to throw that out there.

Who squealed?