I’ll try it, but I really wish they were more chewy than crunchy. I get why crunchy is preferred for transport and packaging. But man, this really looks like it should be a softer cookie.
I’ll try it, but I really wish they were more chewy than crunchy. I get why crunchy is preferred for transport and packaging. But man, this really looks like it should be a softer cookie.
“Dead Hookers from Rehoboth” would be an outstanding band name.
Assholes in Camaros - Department of Redundancy Department
Obnoxious and pathetic. Like jumping on stage at a concert, grabbing a guitar and dazzling the crowd with your ability to barely play a G chord, all while saying, “no, wait. Wait. No, hold on. I got it. No, wait.”
“there is something to be said for the fact that Marvel jumped at the chance to replace a Black man with a white woman in its promotional materials.”
Airheads rules
all this brendan fraser talk really has me itching to revisit ‘blast from the past’ and the extremely fun airheads.
The first Mummy is the closest we’ve come to replicating the Indiana Jones films, and Fraser is a big reason why his character comes off as charming and romantic rather than an insufferable douchebag.
It’s a big internet. There’s room for it among the boobs, the ‘hang in there’ kittens and the images of naked breasts.
Yeah, nah, it’s not misogynistic. On the other hand, you are an idiot for thinking so. Thanks for trying to be woke though I guess.
It would have been so much easier for her to say “Hi. My name is Karen and I’m an alcoholic.” Because this heifer was drunk.
No word if they played “In The Garden Of Eden” by I. Ron Butterfly......
Does this make it a Metal Church?
As a pretty much full time barefooter, I see this and mentally squeal with glee—if you look, most all of those rocks are smooth and don’t really have rough edges. It’s really a reflexology massage to walk on these kinds of rocks--really pleasurable. So, no, no real problem with the implied message of the ad.
AIs drive with a “bottom-up” approach
A bus? From Fresno to San Luis Obispo? BAHAHAHAHA. You could walk that faster...
I wonder if they announced that cost-plus-fees for the round trip would be billed to the offending passenger in such circumstances—as part of the Contract of Carriage--what would happen. Especially if they started to enforce it.
Then maybe they’ll get more serious about preventing assholes getting on the plane in the first place if they are forced to pony up like that.
Skip the fine and go straight to the hard time. Prosecute every instance. And mandate that in the event of misbehavior, the pilot must return to the airport of origin to disembark the passenger to the local cops there. And they name that passenger’s bad behavior and the passenger as the reason to everyone else on the…