Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble

Thank you. I mean, in this case I love it because it's a joke, but I can't stand the recent trend of giant food in the real world.

I think there's still some widespread confusion over why that film is considered racist.

You know that Disney's CCO - the guy who's "running Pixar into the ground" - is the same guy who, you know, founded Pixar, right?

'Jim went on to say that if Disney were to fire me 27 years after this confrontation took place, claiming that I was difficult to work with, they would be unequivocally in the wrong, and that everyone should take my side.'

"I think you ought to know I'm feeling very depressed."

I mean, looking at that, your first bite is just gonna be pancake and pizza.

"You do not fight with honor!"
"No." *Points at corpse* "But he did."

I was wondering what that comment meant.

A good writer can give a character a satisfying little arc using only a handful of lines or moments. Probably nothing earth-shattering, but enough that you're glad they were part of the movie vs. cutting them for time.

I wouldn't say either of those are widely considered as good as the originals, though, let alone better.

Even ignoring that aspect of the idiocy… dude. Linear time. He (presumably) had the granddaughter and wife when he was William Hartnell.

I'm not a necrophiliac, but I agree with this.

Eh, at this point it's well-established that the Doctor can't fly the TARDIS particularly well anyway.

If they can do period stories with black companions, they can do period stories with a (white) female Doctor.

I mean, Finding Nemo is about a guy whose wife and unborn children are eaten alive, save for one, who grows up disabled, only to be kidnapped on the first day of school.

Ironically, I thought Josh Gad was one of the best parts of the movie, because at least they gave his character NEW dialogue.

I mean, I get that Ralph breaks things, so it's kind of a pun, but naming a Disney film after an expression that A) was really only in the public consciousness for a one-month span in 2014, B) largely fell out of use again afterward, and C) is most frequently associated with Kim Kardashian's bare ass…

Ralph is on the internet now (hence the title) and this scene apparently has him swinging by Disney's Buzzfeed equivalent, OhMyDisney. It's blatantly self-promotional, but otherwise, eh.

Frank: "One shot, one kill"

Eh, if a show about a severely traumatized woman being forced to confront her serial killer abuser wants to take itself seriously, I for one am not gonna begrudge it that.