
People seemed to either love or hate this album. I was somewhere in between. Some of the good songs were marred by his shrieking, vocal histrionics, while others, like So Real, were just grating.
It's a shame he didn't have time for his talent to develop.

He looks a helluva lot more like Chet Baker than Michael Shannon does Elvis.

I'm a Zep fan, but not an uncritical one.
And this is one of the worst songs they've ever recorded. It starts out pleasantly enough, with Page playing a nice acoustic trill, and Plant singing in a pleasant folksy lilt. Then the drums kick in, and it all turns godawful - Plant screeching, Page and Jones laying out a

Iran may not be the perfect place to raise kids, but at least it doesn't have any gays.

True, but he still puts on the best live show in the business. 

No. He's not. 
End of discussion.

Murakami's Japanese, so the pedophiliac overtones aren't entirely surprising.
I lived in Japan for a couple of years. My local video store was a small room of conventional movies, adjoined by a small warehouse of porn. 
Each aisle of porn became progressively more perverted and troubling.
The first aisle was conventional

As long as there's weed, there'll be teenagers listening to classic rock.

Agreed. 13 Tzamati was a nasty but brilliant little film. Incredibly tense. The black and white photography served the bleak subject matter beautifully.

Jessie should have killed Gus and Mike after they poisoned Don Eladio and his crew.

I also hated him. His false bonhomie, his casual racism, his condescending attitude to Walt. 
Then gradually the show revealed his intelligence, compassion and sheer badassery. He and Mike are like the Yin and Yang of badasses.
I wonder if they'll ever cross paths?