To a lot of us olds, even new base cars are luxury compared to what we grew up with. (not even joking)
To a lot of us olds, even new base cars are luxury compared to what we grew up with. (not even joking)
The Mk1 was a floppy mess. I owned several.
Mk2 is the only way to go.
Happy Monday, I just realized your name. Apologies Officer for the punctuation misuse.
Many people experience feelings of hopelessness and dread when visiting Philadelphia.
Wow. Both people in omak saw it!
I know, right? I wouldn’t have led with “Absynth” as my rendering colour. But then again, I am not their target client . . . no matter how much I wish I was.
Taste is subjective, but you sir, are wrong.
like holding on, and...
Wow dude, what the actual fuck. There’s so much more to drag racing than just flooring it: like holding on, and...
I kid, I kid! Congrats to Brittany and the Force family!
That was last gen. I can make you vomit much quicker in the latest version
Build date 4/20/2016
To clarify: That’s an issue with trademark. It is very specifically not an issue with copyright.
The storm drain. Duh...
they should just throw an inch tall storm drain here or there. A few oil pans later and they won’t have any problems.