
The whole Hanoi Jane thing was a setup.

They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.

For fuck’s sake, the guy was even on the same Colbert episode as America Ferrera last week when she talked about this shit (which is how I heard of both the campaign and . . . well, of him).

far better than any socialist society that just “hasnt been implemented properly yet.”

Uhhhh.... /looks around

I don’t see myself ever buying one of these things. I’m not a tin-foil-hat person at all but having something that’s just sitting there listening is kinda creepy. You don’t know who is on the other end.

So when does “asking once” become coercion? When the person making the decision decides later they decided the wrong way?

Oh I get it, you’re an EA executive. That’s why you’re so hostile towards people that are justifiably angry with EA and cynical about what they’ll do in the future. Now it makes total sense why you’re a complete ass hole.

What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.

I guess personal responsibility is dead. A “No” is all it would’ve taken. You’re an adult.

Does a “grown-ass woman” in her “30s” really need to blame a man for her consenting to his condom removal during sex? This isn’t “stealthing,” you’re both just irresponsible. Act your age and take responsibility.

Am I the only person who is baffled by the headline?

man, you know what they should do? is get the director of uncharted to make a single-player star wars game . . .

Itchy and Scratchy are a parody of this of course. But kids deserve more credit for their ability to enjoy stuff like this and realize it has little to do with reality.

The women were white, stupid.

Am I the only one who thinks that the trailer isn’t as brutal as it’s made out to be? Surely there’s worse stuff in the average modern horror movie yet no one gets their knickers in a twist over those (no one serious anyway).

except vr is flourishing...

Yup. No one asked for Kinect but VR definitely has its place in the future of gaming.

Not my problem you are poor.

So easy to spot the people who haven’t owned VR :)