Not true.
Not true.
The point is that there may never be a good time. People choose their professions mostly. Along with making the decision to become a highly educated professional that has to spend a decade preparing for said profession comes choices as to what you can and cannot have. Sometimes these choices are hard, but they are…
Maybe men and women shouldn’t have children during this time if it’s such a grueling schedule. Life isn’t fair, choices have to be made.
So it’s fine that pediatrics is dominated by women but other fields HAVE to be equal? Why isn’t there a push for more male nurses? Or more female sanitation workers? Or do women only want equality in lucrative, high paying jobs?
“ it also helped that Wubbels is a blond white woman. Officers recorded while perpetrating violence against black men and women have a much higher job retention.”
10 years. 1 decade. 1/10th of a century. That’s how long the sad nerdgins have been sucking off “Lord GabeN” and finding some way to squeak, “HALF-LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!” into every damn Reddit post, appropos of nothing, completely forgiving the fact that the corpulent fat fucking liar, Gabe Newell, hasn’t even bothered to…
My problem with this article is that outside of Neo Nazis and their fellow travelers, in my experience no one thinks of themselves as “white”. A person more likely would say in a question who or what are you, as, I’m a “New Englander.” Or if closer to the time of arrival to the United States, “I’m Italian” or I’m…
“shut the fuck up and open their ears”
Any way to disable this? I find it highly annoying. I got it to remove all the apps except the app store app itself in Messages.
I think we may be reading too much into this. Baltimore just kinda sucks at everything.
Well, obviously. A straight black male is 2/3rds of the Gawker definition of evil.
I bet you also think that we’re “plotting” to destroy Kevin Hart because we’re pointing out how he cheats on his wife.
Feminism has been anti-male since they recieved equal rights in the 60s.
It fits a toxic white narrative that isn’t reality, that’s why.
Do tell, how was she literally robbed of the election? Trump is a monster, and the Russians conspired to interfere in the election by leaking emails and spreading fake news. All of that is true. She still lost the election and didn’t get robbed though. Nobody, not even the democrats, are arguing that she didn’t…
Why? It’s making fun of both sides.
Murphy didn’t write ACS: People vs. OJ Simpson. He only directed it, which went a long way towards its general coherence and quality.
Must say, I've never heard the creator complain about it.
Please tell me you're trolling.
it sounds like a strange old world you live in, is it lonely over there in crazy town?