Like Judy Garland?
Like Judy Garland?
Yep. that’s what that Q is for :)
on the other hand if that’s who lesbians identify with then maybe it’s really just how they want to be regarded and portrayed
...but quietly pining for a man with one hand?
No. Just no. A few straight people who play the game or draw some fan art portraying her as gay does not a “gay icon” make. As a gay man, I find it exceedingly offensive that these publishers, Blizzard, Riot Games, etc. make stereotypical characters and then never actually confirm sexuality, but then take credit for…
That being said, Zarya’s fan art overwhelmingly portrays her as gay.
The important thing to consider in this discussion is that Zarya is the best and most fun tank to play as in Overwatch. Her Russian soldier skin is the best!
That being said, thanks to the Internet, I think I have seen every possible permutation of Overwatch characters fucking each other, with every possible combination of dick and vagina (including both).
There feels like theres a lot of busy work in the patch story contents, at least in ARR. This was fine when the patch came out and they didn’t want people to breeze through it in 45 minutes, but I think they could pare down a lot of the fetchy quests to keep on top of the story faster.
I hope they add something to make getting through the level cap story quests faster. My roommate couldn’t handle it and quit before actually making it to the expansion.
I have to assume he did this on purpose, right?
A team mate of mine had a 5 man rez, then killed the other teams mercy and Genji off the point.
I don’t understand why Rich the Curmudgeon would even be tapped to review this sweet kids movie. *shrug*
They definitely do not share the same PR person, and never have. Kanye’s longtime PR (like, from his pre-rapping producer days) is Gabe Tesoriero, now EVP of PR at Def Jam. Taylor’s PR person is a woman named TREE PAINE, and before that, her whole career was handled by Paula Erickson—both at independent PR firms.…
the people who tell others they cannot stand at a concert are the worst and should be shamed.
By far this will be song of the summer.
I LOVE this song. I was just thinking earlier today how great it will be to dance to in one of the loud bars at the beach at about midnight.
As someone who has been a Sia fan for a very long time, I would love for this song to blow up more than it already has.
The situation: Playing as Zenyatta, keeping everyone on the team topped off. Orb of Discording Pharah and Widowmaker, sniping them with my orbs to keep the pressure off. Discording the tanks and making sure the team takes them out quickly. In the final seconds of the match, when the opposing team is making the final…