Smells like a publicity stunt to me.
Smells like a publicity stunt to me.
It was perhaps the most tone-deaf, rude and poorly managed campaign I’ve ever seen. Honestly, their loss should rest 10000% on whoever managed that campaign.
But also Kemosabe will be allowed to determine if she can release the album, if the album will in any way count toward the number of albums specified in her contract and may well own the album.
...but Jay-Z’s the one who fucked up.
1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over
Lyrically the Zedd song is more appropriate to her situation than Cyndi’s song.
You are doing incredible work reporting on this topic. I am sorry that idiots have decided to target you. The world is a scary place.
I’ve sat here for about 5 minutes trying to think of something clever or insightful to say but I’ve got to admit - I’ve got nothing. This whole situation is just terrible.
anime titties are their lifeforce. Without the sweet succor of digital boobs, they shrivel and die.
So....just to make sure I’m clear, there are real actual human beings who:
Goddamn those social justice warriors if it weren’t for them we wouldn’t have to give out all these death threats.
You’re seeing against Rapp the same virulent strain of redpill witch hunt you’re seeing against Michelle Fields. It’s an enraged sect of cowardly, misogynist neckbeards thinking they’re Making America Great Again, and there ought to be no shame or fear in calling them what they are.
I worked as a newspaper reporter for a long time, and nothing I covered in politics, courts or crime ever got as weird and toxic as this situation over a video game has become. There’s a mayor and numerous councilmen who most likely hate me a great deal, and no one ever dug into my life in the hopes of revenge.
My sympathies, Patrick. This is obviously a tricky topic for a reporter to cover fully and accurately, and I’m sorry that deranged individuals have decided to attack you (and your family) because they disagree with your coverage decisions.
“Sandoval has one walk and no hits in seven plate appearances this season.”
Brian Azzarello’s run on the New 52 Wonder Woman was one of the best she had in many years. It went down hill after he left. Not sure how the Legend of Wonder Woman series is doing.
Gamergater HAWT TAKE alert
This is the best series Gawker Media has treated us to in a long time. And that includes 500 Days of Mrs. Jay Cutler.
I like this one
I hope that if I saw Governor Rauner at a coffee shop in Chicago, I would have the nerve to call him out on his bullshit like this woman did. Sadly I don’t think me or my fellow Chicagoans will ever get the chance, he wouldn’t step foot in this city to see all the damage he is doing.