

were convinced that someone local had committed the murders. This went against the more popular theory that it’d been engineered by someone who was just passing through the park

Cricket. ATT network so same coverage as ATT. $50 a month. You supply the phone or buy a cheapie from them.

Bob. From back when every software developer felt the need to explain every minute detail of how to use a computer and were convinced that if the software didn’t reflect something in the real world people would be too confused to function.

Auto playing embedded streams are fucking annoying as well.

Take them to school, dipshit.

There is a giant pair of Deez Nuts heading right for us though.

Sanders wasn’t really seen as all that serious a candidate until Black Lives Matter blew him up, causing white progressives all over the country to take notice, take umbrage, and inevitably take his side.

Just make sure you don’t let the random rule spread...

No Uniqlo at all? The fuq?

And here’s a flip side: I was on many, many terrible teams when I was a kid, and received many many terrible participation trophies (and one car-shaped pencil sharpener!). Everyone - good athletes, bad athletes, good teams, bad teams - knew these things were a joke. They were shiny and kinda cool but kinda

A fucking men. Fuck James Harrison. Hope he gave back his 2005 Super Bowl ring since he had zero tackles in those playoffs.

Google Play Music user, damn Neil Young for pulling his music. Even though I had it saved to my phone it has disappeared.

The Sarbanes Oxley reference really threw me off. Now I’m not sure what we’re dealing with.

Now playing

This dude freaked me the fuck out as a kid...

My go to rule for horror movies is this. If I can hurt it with a shotgun, I’m not afraid of it. If it bleeds we can kill it.

It looks like it’s more of a material akin to Cap’s suits now—but as others have mentioned, it’s a version being used for stunt work. Maybe the main suit will look a little more leathery, or at least shinier?

The worst thing about Saints fans is that they need to check with their wives before emailing Deadspin.