
The US is ranked 61st in Freedom House’s most recent Freedom in the World report, about on the same level as Romania and Poland. Americans have this weird belief their country is the pinnacle of freedom when it’s not even close.

Totally normal.

Silly Faggots dicks are for chicks 

It’s offensive that you insinuate being gay isn’t weird.

And some kids aren’t easy no matter what you do. I’m glad you’re on your high horse and were lucky enough to have good kids but not all are like yours.

Woah there, correlation !== causation. Might just be that the children who were more aggressive at 5 needed more spanking at 3 due to a predisposition towards undesirable behavior that was innate to the child. There’s a big difference between spanking causing aggression and a child that is spanked also being more

I remember one time snatching the phone from my son when an ad to a video was promoting homosexuality on a kids video. Unacceptable

To bad they can’t be taken off of youtube. Well I guess this is better then nothing. At least my kids won’t be able to accidently click on some tranny video of a guy putting on makeup since its now restricted.