
I call bullshit. Understanding bonds and investment principles has zero to do with the every day business of making ends meet for 99% of people. And that business about minorities paying more to borrow money? It’s not because they’re dumb/uneducated about how borrowing works, it’s because our financial system actively

You nailed why I was so glad to see the Ask A Former Drunk series point out that we absolutely need to be able to discuss alcohol and behavior openly again, even at the risk of resulting in articles like this.

What’s the matter with Kansas, indeed. :/

I’ve been “reveal my deepest secrets” drunk. I’ve been “more outgoing and chill” drunk. I’ve been “start crying any second” drunk. I’ve been “sure, I’ll sing a solo in this room of strangers” drunk. But I’ve never been “I’m going to rape somebody” drunk, because that’s just not the type of person I am.

Dammit, ladeez, men are like hurricanes, or tornadoes or any other type of disaster-creating, act-of-God weather front. Nothing you can do to change the course of the Beaufort scale 12 penis headed your way except battening down your vaginal hatches by donning a toothed chastity belt beneath a long flannel nightgown

Jezebel has a really strange relationship with alcohol. I applaud the new Ask A Drunk Person series, but there’s a lot of celebration of questionable alcohol use and flat out abuse here that makes me fairly uncomfortable.

If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.

One reason we get so annoyed about this is because we can follow all these dumb rules and still get raped. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped drunk. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped sober. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by strangers. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by friends. People want to set up all these

Obviously getting helplessly drunk is unsafe for anyone, though often understandable - many people, especially young newer drinkers, do not know their own tolerances. But yes, it’s dangerous, including in and of itself.

I got blackout drunk last weekend. Here are some things I apparently did in that state:

Of course it’s in the section titled ‘Midwest Voices’ the Midwest is literally the ninth circle of hell

please jezebel, tell me more about how it’s wrong to comment on people’s appearances, and then keep making regular jokes about trump’s appearance. totally cool to do it when someone really deserves it! i’m sure trump follows the same logic.

I can’t remember who said it, but an important FF creatore said that it’s a Final Fantasy game so long as the menus are blue.

Maybe if you didn’t call women nutjobs, you wouldn’t get so many comments...

If you are not planning on immediately firing your gun, then you shouldn’t put bullets into it.

Honestly, the notion that the American division of a Japanese company makes a decision on something in the middle of this big a PR storm without consulting HQ is absurd. Of course Nintendo corporate in Japan was aware of this, was at least neutral to it, probably in favor. Even if not, local departments still make

As a man let me tell all those #NotAllMen bullshitters in the comments to shut the hell up. There are too many instances of this to not address this and the fact that there are times that the sentiment “she ruined my life” happens and it doesn’t lead to murder doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be driven into the dirt. If