Graham Exton

It even ain't.

Mr Hurt made us see the human under all the bumps and lumps.

It is good.

In your face, 2016!

I look forward to hearing it.

Kubo mesmerised me from start to finish. Then Regina sang. So, Kubo.

Comedy Central is now The Real News.

Very wise.

The Beatles, Todd Rundgren, Frank Zappa, The Kids in the Hall - all make perfect sense when compared to reality. And they're all real!

I saw this coming, but shit and fuck nevertheless.

Road House!

When Mr Rylance went, "Rarr," I totally blubbed.

At 3.36 something weird happens with Barry's nose.

He must have had their approval to use the unadorned vocals. Love the scratches.


So, did Pee-Wee like them or what? I won't sleep tonight.

"which, seriously, we really need to come up with a good name for soon."

He was a curmudgeonly racist, but I daren't watch the BFG because I'll blub in public. And Dahl WAS the BFG.

Seltzer added all the bits of dialogue that you remember. But it's Dahl's plot.

All honours to Bernie. But fuck. And shit.