
I got her for my "what actor would play you" Buzzfeed Facebook quiz so I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself. :)

June Allison made the name somewhat popular for girls in the 40s, but it's true, Allisons couldn't find a personalized anything until the 1980s.

I had a session with my energy healer yesterday. She is fantastic and I feel fantastic. Haters, I smile and giggle at you. Lalalalalalalala

Oohh! Pretty!! I just finished the last piece of an upside down caramel apple cake I made this week. I should have taken a photo before we demolished it :(

Yes! CAKE!

Cake? Where's the cake? You can have the wings if I can have the cake. But we have to split the bacon :)

They are going to regret that...

No, but there online store is and they love customer reviews :) Come on Jezzies! Let's flood them with "reviews"

The Hobby Lobby website allows customer reviews :) Come on Jezzies, let's flood them with "reviews".

I really hate True Detective. It's a vanity piece for two man-child actors in the throes of their mid life crises. The women in that show are there only to be fucked and not to out-act the boys. It annoys the hell out of me that the women look, act, and sound like who they truly are: LA actresses.

Ha! Nice one Amy Archer ;)

Madonna is late to the party. The hipster girls in LA have been doing this for years. They stopped shaving just after the hipster boys grew in their beards. Payback?

Thank you, for everything.

Thank you for being such a strong role model for women. What is your advise to young women today as they enter the workforce and consider their career options? Everyone says they can be anything they want but no one talks about the gender politics they will encounter as they follow their dreams. I teach high school

Should we all go to his funeral? I have a lot of poster board, I'll share :)

The phrase "what do you mean?" asked honestly in an attempt at clarity is a wonderful thing. I use it all the time, especially with a particularly passive aggressive co-worker who likes to throw out weird insults. Now that she knows my game she talks shit a lot less around me.

Buffalo Stance came out in 1988, not 1998.

Sooo, being hated is okay with her because it keeps her relevant? Ok.

You joke about the grits facial scrub but cornmeal (not grits) is an excellent facial scrub, especially for ladies with sensitive skin. My dermatologist called me "a delicate flower" today (that is not a lie), which is why I stay out of the sun. But I haven't had a pimple in years, thanks to cornmeal (and that is

But what about cuntpunt?