
“The idea that these invading children, these foreign bodies, become ground meat served to prisoners, is hyperbole, frankly. I mean, there have always been a lot of foreign bodies in hamburger meat, it’s just how it works. And we don’t know it’s being served to prisoners: that just sounds unnecessarily sinister. It

I don’t really think there is one other than the fact that the bureaucracy, surprise, surprise, doesn’t work very well.

I agree. It’s ridiculous to think that this publicly traded entertainment company that’s always been about making money would put their self interests on hold to promote radical progressive policies like *checks notes* letting women go places by themselves.

No, I’m saying don’t go to football games so you won’t have to see people acting like complete fucking maniacs. I’ve been to enough football games in my life to say this with a certain amount of authority.

My business is successful because of my personal accomplishments.
My business failed because of your politics.

This is absolutely what the right wing wants for America.

I was just thinking that Mike Pence probably came in his pants after seeing this story.

When my daughter was 2, she refused to let me use wet wipes to clean her after she pooped, and insisted on being wiped with a shred of an American flag which had been moistened with tears shed by decent upstanding citizens at the moral decay our society has been experiencing since, oh, about September 22nd, 1862. But

That is a stretch.

Because it’s not particularly relevant? “White people were the first racists” (a claim I would have to double-check) doesn’t mean “it’s fine to be racist to white people”, any more than it’s fine to torture whichever race first invented torture.

I’m unbothered by you... and I think you’re a stupid fucking human.

while he’s been a dick in his follow-up response, nothing about that is mansplaining.

Mansplaining is pretty much an undefinable idea to that can’t be explained with a specific set of parameters or rules. So pretty much it takes examples of men arguing something with a woman when the man is wrong (or they think he is wrong) and call that mansplaining. They’ve never pointed out the cases of this when

I don’t understand how this is a story about gender.

Ever hear of the phrase “Girl’s Night Out”? Used by women quite frequently to describe a group of women going out.

Go take a look at the Steam reviews for Fallout 4 and tell me that he’s not right.

Sorry other folks aren’t as accepting of your hero’s casual racism.

“Vaughn, a 28-year-old adult”

I think the main problem with Sombra is that even if you’re playing her very well, you’d still likely be contributing more to your team as another character. The niche she fills just isn’t important enough when you’ve only got six slots to fill.

Why the fuck would we lighten up? This is EXACTLY what’s wrong with this country, that we’re expected to take blatant racism/anti-semitism on the chin and not say something about it. Fuck that. If this woman loses her job, it’s been more than earned by these comments. Fuck Barstool for promoting this kind of