
What the fuck is she actually saying there?  Those sentences, to the extent they are sentences, don’t make any sense from one to the next.

Ironically, all 6 of the men missing were immigrants, likely because the contractors doing the work pay low considering the dangerous conditions and hours the pothole filling crews work in...

Trying to decide which of these is the stupidest actually made me feel stupider for actively thinking about it.

Whatever happened to the rest of the world going, “No. You’re stupid. This whole idea that you’re predicating is stupid. Here’s some paste, go sit in the corner and eat it, Johnny.”

Why do we give these morons time and a voice?

We already know there are Jewish Space Lasers that started the fires in California, so yes, it is completely possible for lasers to do anything.

(And yes, there is a whole helluva lot of facetiousness in the above comment - do NOT take it seriously LOL)

The anti-vaxxers are on it too.

Yup now the moral panic is “DEI hires. Seems all the rightoid NPCs got the minor dialogue patch by now.

The reactions are more depressing than the news themselves.

The attack was clearly orchestrated by the Kingdom of Andor (from the Wheel of Time series).

Non diversity hires famously have never caused huge catastrophic accidents or failures.

Don’t you love how the media failed so massively in explaining DEI, that now like 25% of American’s think it means businesses just pull people off the street and give them high risk jobs?

I swear, Putin commits the most obvious false flag since the Russian Apartment bombings in the early 2000s, and all of these same people are silent about it. A ship loses power, something that happens, and now it’s a conspiracy. I wish they’d just be consistent.

One of my supervisors at work was railing about the harbor pilot being a DEI hire and I was baffled as to where he picked that up. I guess I know where he gets his news now...

Thank the universe my life isn’t as boring as these nutjobs.

“Did anti-white business practices cause this disaster?”

jet fuel can’t melt bridges or something

The problem is there are plenty of smart people who peddle this crap to make money off all the dumb people. 

If you had such a thing, some republican would just take you to court for discriminating against stupid people.

The internet desperately needs a bar, like those you find at the entrances of amusement park rides - but instead of saying “you need to be this high to get on this ride”, the internet bar should say “you need to be this smart to get on the internet”.

Sweet Christmas, this is the darkest dumbest fucking timeline...