Graeme Sutton

There's no particular reason to assume that the Martians would follow the traditions of the US military more than any other military and I've never heard of other country's militaries being so picky about the distinction. In any event since in the Expanse universe armies- as in military forces dedicated to ground

Also Mars is undergoing a massive military build-up you see lots of early promotions in that situation as you try to fill out the ranks.

In the Expanse universe there's no such thing as an Army, just Navy and Marines, ground troops are pretty much obsolete so the marine-army rivalry probably is as well.

Lol sorry didn't mean to bite anyone's head off. It's all in good fun.

I'm not sure why you think that. The sound can travel though their bodies to get to the floor, in fact since there is no liquid or gas medium unless they were literally holding their vocal cords (vocal organs? whatever gems use) to the surface of the floor it would be no different from speaking standing up, they would

It's no more complicated than speaking through a gas medium. Solids carry vibrations the same way as gas and it's certainly less impractical than going to all the extra engineering trouble of making all your space facilities pressurized even though your species has no need of it.

As long as both gems are touching the ground you'd think they could use the solid surface as a medium. It seems like a pretty huge amount of trouble to go to for something that's basically a trivial luxury, especially given the apparent risk of decompression.

Why would the gem base be pressurized? The gems can survive perfectly well in vacuum.

Are the crystal

Don't forget the Davis, the Lee and the Calhoun

100% correct and it goes back much farther than you realize. Food for thought: the issue that caused the Southern Baptist convention to split off and become it's own denomination was support for slavery.

What? No, exterminating Yazidis is the lord's work, they ain't no Christians.