Graeme John Wilson

Versace was announced as the third season of the show after Katrina, but FX switched their order around.

Please tell me The Mighty Ducks they're referring to is the Disney cartoon where they're talking alien ducks from Puckworld. That's what I want on Netflix.

I'm wondering if Perlmutter's the real reason there's such a divide between the film and TV divisions at Marvel. Feige may report to Horn now, but from what I've read Loeb still answers to Perlmutter, and he seems the kind of person who would block any real attempt at synergy purely out of pettiness.

The A.V. Club is really getting its mileage out of this Mail Robot gag, huh?

All the reviews for the show so far are saying the same thing. I'd be disappointed if I hadn't been expecting this ever since they announced Scott Buck as showrunner.

I'm not sure what amazes me more: the fact that the show's writers totally stole that T. rex pee joke from Jurassic Park III, or the fact that a writer stole anything from Jurassic Park III.

The CG explosion from the Rock blowing up that car with a grenade looked like really bad After Effects as well.


This seems weirdly clickbait-y for the AV Club. The title makes it sounds like the Coens hate the show.

Really didn't like Barry just letting Cold and Heatwave go - basically his only condition was that they didn't murder anyone. Because these guys are trustworthy.

The other inmate was Digger Harkness - a.k.a. Captain Boomerang.