
I'll say that they only thing about this episode's case to me that was relevant, was how it related to Connor. And not just because he slept with the assistant for info, because he always did things like that. But because he clearly felt in some ways responsible for Pax's suicide. That would mess with someone's head,

You can be shamelessly, emotionally attached to a show without being a psychopath about it. Just sayin

Not all fanbases are like that. It's literally a generalization, stereotype, whatever you wanna call it.

They do that because other people find how they react to those shows, that effect them emotionally, to be entertaining. There's nothing self-absorbed about that, if their sharing their love for a show with other people.


For me, I could care less about Elena or Katherine as characters, so if they has used them instead of Lily, I wouldn't have felt anything from it. The tortured Delena/Datherine story, to me, is old, dry and irrelevant at this point, especially since Damon's issues didn't start with her or Katherine. The point is it

Plenty of the things that happened within the celebrity lifestyles of the characters happen in real life. It maybe a lot of drama but drama exists in real life just as much as family dysfunction, homophobia and so on. Celebrities do get involved in scandals all the time. Either you're living under a rock or you're in

Slutty is not fine nor is it realistic. People don't screw their way to the top in real life, unless they are prostitutes. It would be a disgrace to make her that way rather than a person who came from humble beginnings that is passionate about her family and what her business represents. Using the Hoodrat stereotype

Cookie can still have hoodrat in her and be a boss. Hoodrat is her personality. She's from the streets, which is all she has known for a long time; that and prison. She is a boss., though. She's always been about her business. She gets ish done. She did it on the streets, she did it with Lucious, Elle. She doesn't